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Sudden Cardiac Death

Showing results 31 - 40 of 100

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Non-COVID-19 cardiovascular pathology from return-to-play screening in college athletes after COVID-19
Christian F Klein, Bradley J Petek, Nathaniel Moulson, Aaron L Baggish, Timothy W Churchill, Kimberly G Harmon, Stephanie A Kliethermes, Manesh R Patel, Jonathan A Drezner

17 July 2023

2 Understanding cardiac and sudden death in young individuals: novel insights from the office for national statistics (ONS) in the United Kingdom
Raghav T Bhatia, Tee Joo Yeo, Hamish MacLachlan, Joyee Basu, Nikhil Chatrath, Saad Fyyaz, Shafik Khoury, Sarandeep Marwaha, Chris Miles, Joseph Westaby, Maria Teresa Tome Esteban, Elijah Behr, Aneil Malhotra, Gherardo Finocchiaro, Steve CoxSee the full list of authors

2 June 2023

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