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BJSM Key Publishing Resources

Below you will find a list of resources provided by the BJSM editorial team. Please click on a heading to find out more information.

Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (EDI) Guiding Document

Learn about BJSM‘s commitment to equity, diversity, & inclusion, along with the initiatives currently in place.

BJSM ‘Stamp of Approval’

Find out more about the BJSM ‘Stamp of Approval’, and the required criteria.

BJSM Global SEM Mentoring Program

This initiative is part of BJSM‘s commitment to equity, diversity, & inclusion. Here you can learn more about the program, along with details on how to apply.

Patient Voices – Author Instructions

Learn more about Patient voices, a dedicated section of BJSM that focuses on the stories of health and performance optimization of people engaging in sport, exercise, and physical activity, as told by the people themselves.

Service Spotlight – Author Instructions

Find out more about submitting a Service spotlight paper, which aims to highlight an individual, group, or program, and the positive impact on a community through service, volunteerism, or humanitarian work.

Guidance for Reviewing a BJSM Paper

Before reviewing a submission for BJSM, please consult our guidelines which contains useful advise for peer-reviewers.

BJSM Conflict of Interest (COI) Policy

Find out more information about BJSM‘s conflict of interest policy, which applies to all Editors, Associate Editors, and reviewers.

BJSM Author Guidelines for Consensus Statements

Find out more about the core requirements for consensus statements, position statements, and clinical guidelines submitted to BJSM.
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